Saturday, July 01, 2006

Governor Response

STATE OF MINNESOTA Office of Governor Tim Pawlenty
130 StateCapitol. 75 Rev. Dr. Mt1rtin Luther King Jr. Boulevard + Saint Paul, MN 55604
June 20, 2006

Mr . .lames Raml
Chai, Forestry Sub-Committee Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway Committee P.O. Box 64
Grand Marais, MN 55604

Dear Mr. Rami:

Thank you for expressing your concerns about timber harvesting along the Gunflint Trail. I appreciate and share your interest in the long-term scenic quality of this important byway.

I agree that any timber management activities within the corridor should be conducted only for forest health reasons, and that they incorporate a higher standard of visual quality.
As you know, the proposed timber sale has been removed from the June auction.

I have directed the DNR to meet with the Gunflint Trail Association and other interested citizens to address visual quality and post-harvest regeneration plans that will take into consideration the important values associated with this scenic byway. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Brad Moore, Assistant Commissioner of the DNR, at 651-259-5027.

c: Brad Moore, Assistant Commissiuner, DNR
Vo,ce: (651) 2%-3391 Or (800) 657.J717 Fox: (651) 296-2089 TDD: (651) 296-0075 or (800) 657-35Y!Web :\ile. hUpj /w'WW.~overnor.5ti\te.11'\l\.u5 An [qua! Opporhmity employer
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